Friday, March 5, 2010

The World According to... пять

Maybe I am showing my age. I am up there after all, in an age of unrepentant misunderstanding of young people.
I recall a place in time, years ago, when I was in my late teens and early twenties and my parents were in there late thirties and mid-forties; a place in my own history when I thought that I had all the answers - university graduate, working overseas, making big bucks, racing motorcycles - being a man.
Now in my forties, still a man, things have changed. I realize that my folks, now in their sixties were wiser than my punk self, and deserved a lot more respect and less aggravation. They still are. We do not see eye to eye on a great many issues, but there is at least one issue that at least my father and I can agree with.
Men do not wear girlpants!
Maybe boys or young men in this time period are simply androgynous and that is sad.
I have listened to the strong, disgusted voices of girl-pants wearing counterparts complain that real men no longer exist and that our culture has become inundated with effeminate, emotionally driven girl-boys, who cling to pop-culture and fashion like the silvery, splintered duct tape to the vinyl of an old bar stool found in a crappy thrift shop.
Maybe my age is showing, but men do not wear girlpants.
A younger friend and associate was wearing them. He may as well have spray painted them on his lower being. They displayed his midriff every time he breathed or moved. And this is a hairy kid.
After throwing up several times, and instructing him to lower his shirt to cover his backside, I felt compelled to ask him why.
"Why are you wearing those girlpants?"
Proper answer:
"I had a date last night, and I didn't want to get arrested getting here."
"Why are you wearing those girlpants?"
"They accentuate my curves."
Wrong answer.
Needless to say, there was a great deal of laughter that ensued.
Understand, I am not a fashion model. I don't want walk up and down a cat walk puffing my lips, exposing my belly, all while wearing girlpants. Girls wear girlpants. It's one of several reasons I simply buy, if I need jeans, Wrangler's and not Levi's. If a person wants have his bottom hanging out of his dungarees and a boot-cut to show some sort of retrofruit fashion ideology, the latter is a good choice, as they have about a thousand expensive variations of this androgy-style available.
Please understand this -
Men do not wear girlpants.
They wear what they want, but girlpants are not on the list.
Now a kilt - ah, now that is an essential in men's wear!

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