Friday, January 6, 2012

Critics are Jerks (part1)

Mom always used to say that if you are incapable of saying anything nice, don't say anything.
Somehow these words have fallen onto deaf ears, or perhaps mothers today are not repeating the wisdom of yore. 
But today, at least since the advent of "comments" pages and certainly into the often opinionated, self-centered, self-loving and loathing pages of Facebook, emotionally provoked, mentally small critics have scoured the good and hard-working nature of a proper criticism.
It used to be that experienced, caring and solicited individuals were the select to provide proper feedback on projects like the arts, politics, architecture.  They offered tactfully addressed advice and suggestion mostly to the betterment of the persons being instructed.
An example of this may be the following:
  • Jimmy, you're doing better; however, try adding a triplet to that last measure and then finishing with an Am7.  I think you'll get it now.
This is an example of what most will call constructive criticism.  It is used to improve the abilities of others in their vocations and hobbies.  It is difficult, as it involves a train of thought and a degree of expertise.  The emotion that is used is that of a vested interest.
Those who give constructive criticism are generally very busy in their own works.  They either can "DO" or have "DONE" what it is they are assessing.  They are rare and oft underappreciated.

The group of "critics" that I am calling jerks are the cowardly and emotionally immature bloggers, who write without experience, and under the guise of a pseudonym that they wish could be their real name.

Click here to read on! And find out if you're constructive or otherwise!

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