Perhaps, and I mean this, perhaps I should not walk around scowling, after all I have a wonderful life. I have been blessed with a home, a beautiful wife, a baby daughter who could melt you just as quickly as she can scratch you, a business and writing ideas that I feel have some merit; however, (and you knew this was coming) I am becoming cynical about what I see, and this has nothing to do with my family, but simply with people.
An example for your amusement:
I was shopping for my adoring family this afternoon, after pulling an eight hour, at a local grocery store... loaded with people getting their daily fixes of highly processed, regurgitables, and I, of course, am scowling and then I pass by one of those AS SEEN ON TV sections, and my eyes catch a picture of a disgusting little androgynous creature wearing a Snuggly, in other words a friggin' towel. The creature was photgraphed smiling, and lounging on a cheaply represented sofa, playing a video game. Now, this may all seem rather innocuous, you say... that's BS and you know it! I growled as I passed it - with my lips curled up and my fists balled.
Because, kids used to live in their homes and slept in either PJs or nothing, not on sofas made in China, wearing towels all over the house! Because kids weren't fruity looking and androgynous - you were either a boy or a girl, or you were hermit hiding in your basement.
Maybe, I'm simply getting older, but who can blame me for getting this way, I have earned it. Why, it took years to get this old - to gain this insight...
or maybe, just maybe, I don't want my daughter to date "towel boy" when she's of the age.
"Daddy, this is..."
"Towel Boy! Ah, my arch nemesis! It's time that I hung you out to dry."
Ah! You can chalk this first blog ever up to a victory, and the first truly embarrssing moment for my daughter - by her loving and most cynical father.